Here's how to prepare a successful craft night:
1. Gather your crafters into the same room.
2. Distribute delicious cheese danish cakes to crafters.

3. Turn on the tv to your local Fox station for the 2nd season premier of Glee!
4. Mix in ample amounts of crafting!
Jen's work in progress, blanket for her neice
Talk about a stressful episode: it was full of controversial quips, pranks, and situations. I enjoyed it, and it was a strong premier, esp for Glee. I wanted to be in Glee club so bad, and that Sunshine..... I would die to have an effortlessly smooth voice like that!
I didn't take a picture of my napkin progress because my bird's head is incomplete- and for his dignity, I thought I'd wait until his face is apparent! Stay tuned for the next episode of craft night!